Mel Pettit Photography

Mel pettit photography - banner image - a head and shoulders portrait of a young brunette haired woman looking over her right shoulder to the camera

A new home

Here I am in my new internet home, the place for my portrait photography, corporate headshot photography and actors headshot photography.  You might remember me from my old abode; perhaps you have been sent here from there.  However you got here I am just pleased to see you. At this point I guess I should let you know where I am physically based.  I work from Chatteris in Cambridgeshire, but I am very happy to travel to all surrounding counties for my work.

All types of portrait photography

That is exactly what I do.  It’s all people photography really, whatever other labels are attached to what I do.  Primarily my portrait photographs are done on location, be it your house or somewhere special to you.  Indoors is fine, but outside is good too. If you prefer a studio I work from a an excellent location in Milton Keynes.  Single people or groups, young or old, it does not matter, I love people photography.

I love doing corporate headshots, or headshots for professionals as I think of them.  Give me a room with enough space to set my lights and we’ll get those business portraits done and ready for whatever purpose you want them for.

Downloads and prints, all in the same package.  No fuss, no frills, just great professional acting headshots to use on your LinkedIn, professional and social media, and in your look book.

Contact me if you think my work would add to your portfolio.  I am happy to work on a TFP basis only.  Please don’t contact me stating your rates.  I choose the models I work with carefully and will pay models their rate only after checking references and if I consider  they have look I need for my work.  You can  see my PurplePort portfolio here.

My galleries

I could talk about portrait photos for hours, but occasionally it is far better to say less.  This is one of those occasions, so it is time to shut up and let my photographic portraits do the talking.  I hope you like them, or I will be heading for an earlier than planned retirement.  You can see my work here: