It’s all about consistency   

If there is one thing I have learned since I went full time many moons ago with my photography business it is the need for consistency.  Potential customers want their images to look the same as those seen on websites.  To meet the need I have developed a standard look that can be reproduced in a studio as well as indoors on location.  Simply explained, I use a textured grey background with the same lighting setup for every portrait shoot.

Mel pettit photography - headshot - a dark and curly haired young woman wearing a flower patterned semi sheer dress poses for a head and shoulders portrait

The two head and shoulders portraits shown are clearly different models.  Well done if you spotted that one!  Bou, the model in the green jumper,  was photographed in a studio just outside High Wycombe. Ashley Rae was photographed in my studio of choice in Milton Keynes.  There is a small amount of difference in the amount of light hitting the background, making one image slightly darker than the other.  The look is essentially the same however, and can be easily reproduced in whatever location you choose.  I only need enough room between the model and the background and between the model and me.  An average size living room is easily big enough to get the same look.

It’s not all about headshots

Perhaps you’re not comfortable with having tight close-up portraits taken.  That’s not an issue, I shoot to waist length and three quarters too, so you can get the portrait that shows you in the best possible light.  I don’t normally work to full length owing to the type of processing I do, but if you want full length you can have it.  I will tweak my workflow a bit to make everything look natural.

Take a look at my studio based portfolios

The majority of my portrait work is done working from a studio.  That’s where I can get the best control of light to produce the consistency i talked about earlier.  I do outside location portraits as well, but more about that in a different post at a later date.  Why not take a look at my headshots, waist length or three quarters portfolios.  If you like what you see you can contact me from those galleries.